Bobst presents its latest solutions for gravure printing and lamination
von Ansgar Wessendorf,
Left to right: Davide Rossello, Head of Competence Center and Process Manager Gravure, and Jonathan Giubilato, Product Line Manager Gravure introducing oneECG in gravure on the Expert RS 6003 press
(Source: Bobst)
Bobst hosted a gravure printing and laminating virtual event from its Competence Center in San Giorgio Monferrato, Italy, on 10 February 2021. The machines showcased were the Expert RS 6003 gravure press and the multi-technology Nova D 800 Laminator.
Job changeover on the gravure press was completed in under 14 minutes with only 95 m of waste. The results have been achieved using two gravure jobs printed in oneECG Bobst extended color gamut process allowing to print a 14c job (CMYK + 9 spot colors + white) with just 7 fixed process colors and automation features – from the Taps pre-setting at the touch of a button through to the Flex Trolley, and the automatic pre-washing system.
Matching the gravure press performance, the Nova D 800 also demonstrated its flexo trolley, the flat tunnel design and the driven rollers. The lamination job demonstrated was processed at 400 m/min coating the solvent-based adhesive directly on the 8 μ alu-foil substrate, at speed with flawless optical quality and web-handling.
The PET-Alu-foil substrate combination highlighted the capabilities of the Bobst compact laminator to handle complex applications typical of the demanding food, beverage, cosmetic and pharma segments, such as retort pouches, thanks to features that are usually the domain of higher range machines.
Bobst presented a new gravure press. The Vision RS 5003, which is a further development of the RS 5002 and Nova RS 5003 series, now featuring speeds up to 450 m/min with fully automated job changeovers at production speed.