The International Gravure Award is open for printers, engravers, cylinder and machinery manufacturers involved in the production of gravure printed materials
(Source: ERA)
The European Rotogravure Association invites the gravure industry to take part in its International Gravure Award. It is open for printers, engravers, cylinder and machinery manufacturers which are involved in the production of gravure printed materials. The entry should be extracted from a commercial production run.
The competition has three entry categories:
Packaging (flexible, paper, carton, label)
Various (publication, decor, security)
ERA reserves the right to adjust the categories.
The print samples are evaluated according to the following criteria:
Quality of the printed product
Typical gravure printing criteria (e.g. no missing dots, absence of other printing faults like scumming, doctor blade lines)
Entries must be submitted latest by 30 August 2023.
The presentation of the winners will take place during the ERA International Gravure Days, 18-20 October in Switzerland, to which the winners will get an invitation.
This year’s International Gravure Days will take place in Switzerland on 18-20 October in the Hotel Weissenstein. The event will be in conjunction with the Management Meeting & General Assembly in the afternoon of 18 October, followed by an informal Get-Together at the Airplane Museum Oberaargau sponsored by Daetwyler SwissTec. The conference will be held on 19 October all day. On 20 October, participants have the opportunity to visit the plant of Rotoflex in Grenchen, Switzerland.