Flexo+Tief-Druck" is now called "Packaging Printing & Converting
Dear readers
At the start of the new year, we surprise you with a new feature: Our trade magazine previously called “Flexo+Tief-Druck” is now renamed “VerpackungsDruck & Converting” (“PackagePrinting & Converting”).
The new name symbolises the dynamic nature of package printing. “VerpackungsDruck & Converting” better captures the breadth and depth of the topics we cover for you in this magazine. Therefore, you can look forward to an exciting journey through the world of package printing and converting!
What will remain and what will change?
The layout and the main content will remain the same, but we intend to reflect the dynamic developments and changes in packaging printing even more clearly. Flexo and gravure printing will remain the predominant processes in the packaging printing sector and have considerable potential for innovation. Therefore, the corresponding reporting will continue to be a main editorial focus in the future.
However, we are observing an increasing importance of digital printing as well as an increased use of fibre-based packaging, which will also strengthen the market position of offset printing, particularly in the folding carton sector. In addition, hybrid machine solutions also enable high-quality and cost-effective production of a wide range of often very complex packaging.
In addition to printing, we are also focussing on converting processes for printed packaging, which are becoming increasingly important. This trend is being reinforced by the ongoing digitalisation, standardisation and automation of the entire workflow, which is leading to an ever closer integration of prepress, printing and converting.
New name, same passion!
Despite of this name change, our passion for first-class content remains unchanged! Our experts will continue to provide you with outstanding technical articles, user reports and market analyses so that you are always up to date for your daily business. You can look forward to many new exciting issues of “VerpackungsDruck & Converting”!