The entry deadline date for the 2022 Golden Cylinder Awards has been extended to June 24
(Source: GAA)
With the supply-chain challenges affecting the gravure printing industries, the entry deadline date for the 2022 Golden Cylinder Awards has been extended to June 24. As a number of members reported how the logistics crisis is keeping them scrambling, this is the way of GAA to help the situation.
There are four primary award categories that reflect the best execution of the gravure printing process and supporting innovations:
Packaging and Label (with nine sub-categories)
Product (with eight sub-categories)
Publication (with 10 sub-categories)
Technical Innovation (with eight sub-categories)
Additional changes affected by deadline extension: The materials to be judged needs to be received no later than July 1, 2022. All entries need to represent work performed from June 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022. The judging will be held in mid-July, and the awards presented at the AIMCAL R2R USA Conference in Orlando, FL. Winners will be notified the first week in August.