ACIMGA, the Italian trade organization, has published their 2021 sector report
on the on country’s industry of rotogravure and flexo printing machines as well as paper and converting machines
(Source: ACIMGA)
Italian companies offer a comprehensive range of products, and the country is a world leader in rotogravure and flexo printing machines as well as paper and converting machines, while it is dependent on imports mainly for phototypesetting machines, scanners, and prepress processes in general. Over the last few years there has been a progressive shift towards the packaging market (which now generates over 80% of total industry revenues) mirrored by a drop in production intended for the graphic industry (less than 20%) resulting from the increasing spread of multimedia technology in the graphic and publishing industry.
A strongly export-oriented industry
The Italian industry has always been strongly export-oriented and over the last few years, despite the global economic crisis, it even succeeded in slightly improving its international standing. The simplification of production processes has shaped the industry’s reorganization with the goal of achieving solid value for money. This approach, crucial to the success of Italy’s production, is even more essential in today’s uncertain global economic context.
The Italian industry of graphic, paper and converting machinery closed 2020 with a significant drop in revenues (-15.8%) over the previous year at 2,386 million €. Exports suffered a 18.1% plunge, while domestic sales saw a smaller 12.4% decline at just below 1,000 million € in value. Imports also dropped by 19.6% to a value of 437 million €.
The trade balance surplus decreased from 1150 to 950 million €. As might be expected in a year marked by the Coronavirus pandemic and the resulting containment measures, in 2020 domestic consumption saw a 14.7% drop to 1,436 million €. The market share covered by the domestic industry grew by two percentage points, from 68% to 70%. As in the previous year, investment dropped by 24.1%. This is not surprising in a year of health and economic crisis.
Roto4all”The Italian Rotogravure Group
The “Roto4all” (Italian Rotogravure Group) by Acimga was the first to be born within the Association, in 2018, with the aim of promoting the broad and solid Italian know-how in this printing technology.
Currently the Group consists of 25 companies which cover all the skills around rotogravure: from machine manufacturers to cylinder engravers, to ink manufacturers. Thanks to the commitment and knowledge of Group members, the handbook “Loving rotogravure: Know it to appreciate it“ was written. The book has been translated into English and distributed both in Italy and internationally.
Furthermore, the Group organizes Roto4All, an annual event entirely dedicated to rotogravure, and carries out training programs on this technology aimed at printers and brand owners but also at technical High Schools. The Group also represents Italy within the ISO Committees on international regulations related to rotogravure.
In 2021 Acimga and the Italian Rotogravure Group developed a partnership with the Gravure Association of the Americas, and became Sponsors for the Golden Cylinder Awards, an important global recognition awarding the best of the best for packaging, labelling, technological innovations, editorial products created in rotogravure.
More details on ACIMGA’S 2021 sector report will be published at one of the forthcoming issues of Flexo+Tief-Druck.